Two very fun Nouveau style art posters up for sale! Each dated 1971. Priced way too cheep at $88 each! At our Haskell location!!

Two very fun Nouveau style art posters up for sale! Each dated 1971. Priced way too cheep at $88 each! At our Haskell location!!
Super awesome mid century pair of lamps! $200 (for the pair) at our Little Sister Shop~Dolly On Bishop.
Original vintage 1950’s tinsel tree $69. At our Haskell location!!
The iconic vintage T shirt. We keep them well stocked. At both our locations!
Such a regal coffee table with ‘lion head’ detailing! $225. At our Oak Cliff~Bishop Arts District location~Dolly On Bishop!
Nothing says more about a lady’s style than a great bag. And we have some great ones. From carry ons to carry all’s, casual to black tie. Make an iconic statement or keep it basic and simple. We keep a great selection in rotation at both our locations!!
Very sweet 1980’s enameled statement earrings! $38! At our Mothership Haskell location!
Wonderful and authentic Old Pawn silver and turquoise squash blossom just in at our Haskell location!!
A antique magical 4 leaf clover forever preserved behind glass on a chain for luck! $76. We can ship!! At our Haskell location!! We have tons of unique vintage jewelry at both our locations and WE BUY it too!!
A pretty little Art Nouveau Revival Scrimshaw and sterling ring! One of a kind! A ladies size 8 and $128. At our Haskell location!!