I call this series of hand tinted enlarged photos ‘Strike It Rich’.
Folklore of the good old days of ‘Black Gold’. Beautifully Framed $225 each.

I call this series of hand tinted enlarged photos ‘Strike It Rich’.
Folklore of the good old days of ‘Black Gold’. Beautifully Framed $225 each.
Painted portraits of no one we know. $48-88! At our original Mothership Haskell location!!
Here’s another 1980’s Nagel print for your collection! $59! At our original Mothership Haskell location!
A great pair of vintage boots! This pair is a perfect example of the styles of boots we stock on a regular basis for men and for women! Some occasional kid’s boots too!
This is the most iconic 1970’s kitchen set from the 1970’s. This set just arrived to Dolly On Bishop and is $125.
Another happy customer! A gentleman brought in a handful of his mother’s clothing from the 1950’s/60’s a few weeks ago. Included in the assortment, was her incredible 1950’s wedding gown. This beautiful ‘bride to be’ adopted it and will wear it on her happy day! Congratulations! You are beautiful in that gorgeous dress!
Light up your life with these amazing hanging lamps! Prices vary! New (old) to our original Mothership Haskell location!
One of our little Dolly On Bishop customers playing dress up and being a cutie!
Wonderful old promotional poster. $68. (We ship!). At our original Mothership Haskell location!
Very cool stamped brass pendants. Wear one or wear them all! $38-40. At our original Mothership Haskell location!!