Purses! Bags!

All the decades greatest hits!! Come accessorize in vintage! At both our locations!!

May The 4th Be With You All!

And Dolly On Bishop are closed today for this holiday. We will continue the madness with our regular business hours tomorrow. Today we shoot off fireworks.

Captain’s Chair

Here is a classic! A 1960’s Naugahyde orange swivel chair! (Top left button is intact, just needs to be reinforced to the back of the chair.). New to Dolly On Bishop! $185.

Mean Mug Man

Old Mug Shots are kinda fascinating. One thing that holds true even today~there’s always a bigger and badder dog. 1930’s European Mug Shot/ Larceny. $48 at Dolly On Bishop!

Low Budget Erte

Do you want the ‘Erte Look’ without the investment? Try out the poster first! Beautiful framed vintage Erte Art poster at Dolly On Bishop! $95