Weather Event

Day two of our Dallas Weather Event! We are hoping to return to regular business hours at both our locations tomorrow! (Weather permitting). Stay Warm!

Lovely Jewels!

We always have a huge selection of antique and vintage jewelry from the past century in consistent rotation at both our locations!


This is a fantastic iconic pair of 1960’s western cowboy boots! A woman’s size 8. $250. At our original Mothership Haskell location! Did you know we have a regular rotating stock of cowboy boots at both our locations? No two pairs are alike!


Give your poison of choice a personality! A set of 4 1960’s liquor character decanters! $150 for the set! At Dolly On Bishop!

School Pride

Preppy or not! This is true vintage. Majorette jacket size small. Dated 1954-55. $95. At Dolly On Bishop!