Sewing Cabinents

Two great antique carved antique sewing cabinets with antique painted porcelain pulls. $130 each.


Naval Photo Escultura

What is a foto escultura?? The technique of photo-sculpture exemplified in the work offered here is uniquely Mexican. It began in the Districto Federal in the 1930s to commemorate significant events in the lives of Mexican and Mexican-American families. The photo images of individuals are captured, cut, and shaped to fit on a thin hand-carved wooden sculpture with a dimensional impact that is very lifelike. The sculptures are generally housed in simple wooden frames between two panes of glass and incorporate the mediums of photography, painting, and sculpture.

This is a particularly GREAT one. $350


Valentine’s Sale on Reincarnate

In honor of the lover’s holiday, all Reincarnate is 20% off now until the 14th!20130202-115115.jpg

Top Hat

This is a beautiful gentleman’s collapsable top hat from the 1920’s (my guess) $120.



Newest Reincarnate

Victorian shoe buckle on vintage findings $135


Victorian pendant on Antique chain with Victorian beads $13020130118-141510.jpg

Vintage locket and “thumbs down” pendnt on Antique chain $8520130118-141519.jpg

Victorian black glass beaded pendant on vintage findings with interwoven vintage chain. $11520130118-141528.jpg