The many faces we wear..

The Webbs have just returned from a great buying trip.  There are so many great new pieces in their booth, including these fabulous, old theater masks.  They look magnificent as a set, but are priced individually at $95 each.  20130522-120320.jpg



The Nicest Thing Ever

It is such an honor to be mentioned in the Bible of Fashion which is Vogue magazine.  Florence, thanks again!!

The lovely and sweet Florence Welch mentions Dolly in this article                             from Vogue magazine.florence

Ticker Tape Time Piece

Just a great little ticker tape clock from the 1960s. made in Japan and it works great!! $48.


Allison in Reincarnate

Assembled necklace featuring Victorian Buckle on 1940’s findings with pearlescent and blue glass beads.  $13520130406-145330.jpg

Assembled necklace composed of Deco rosary beads, w/ Victorian coin purse and crucifix on antique Oddfellows pendant.  $11520130406-145337.jpg

Assembled Edwardian and Victorian Lace necklace. $148

Rodent jawbone pin with Deco finding. $4820130406-145343.jpg

Trays of fun randomness

I personally love to dig through tray after tray of found random objects. We have those here and we stock them regularly.



Oddfellows banner from 1880’s with Eye of Providence and Skull.  $700  20130314-144045.jpg


Fabulous Order of Eastern Star Point Banners.  $98 each20130314-144104.jpg



