We got your vintage boots needs!!


Boots And Such!!!

We always have a beautiful selection of Cowboy boots for ladies and gentlemen! We restock every couple of weeks! (Love the lobster flats we just got in, I had to post them too)



Boots, boots, and more boots!

We have hundreds of vintage and gently used boots that we restock weekly.  We carry both men’s and women’s sizes, with a multitude of styles and price ranges to choose from.20131121-125224.jpgJustin Ropers. Men’s size 6 1/2 or Women’s size 8. $54

20131121-125230.jpg(Left) 50s Custom “Pete”. Men’s size 10-11.$75  (Rignt) Justin.Women’s size 7.$75

20131121-125236.jpg(Left) Luchesse.  Men’s Size 11 1/2 A. $115  (Right) Nocona. Men’s Size 10 D. $99

Remember, you can buy any item you see posted on our site via paypal!

Email for shipping quotes.