Funeral Curtian

This is a silk velvet funeral curtain from the Victorian times. This curtain is about 9 feet long and 7 feet at its highest point. It conveniently folds up into a suitcase because it was used as a back drop in homes, cemeteries and churches or whenever the sad occasion would arise. It is in immaculate condition probably bc it was stored in its case most of its life. $1200. Odd Fellows Eye ceremonial tunic $248


Random Parts and Pieces

Random jewelry pieces I came across in the store last week. If you like the hobo nickel Indian earring we also have necklaces and will be getting medals and more earrings soon. They cost around $50.







The wonderful world of the Webbs

Bruce and Julie Webb came to Dallas to restock their booth and this is the final result!! If you are unfamiliar with the Webbs or their fabulous outsider/folk art gallery in Waxahachie, you can find out more info at