Coolers and Cans

We have a great selection of old beer cans and occasional vintage coolers. Price of vintage beer cans vary from $8-12. The cooler shown, $195.



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Bacchus Flask

Wikipedia says, Bacchus the name adopted by the Romans[11] and the frenzy he induces, bakkheia. His thyrsus is sometimes wound with ivy and dripping with honey. It is a beneficent wand but also a weapon, and can be used to destroy those who oppose his cult and the freedoms he represents. He is also called Eleutherios (“the liberator”), whose wine, music and ecstatic dance frees his followers from self-conscious fear and care, and subverts the oppressive restraints of the powerful. Those who partake of his mysteries are possessed and empowered by the god himself.[12] His cult is also a “cult of the souls”; his maenads feed the dead through blood-offerings, and he acts as a divine communicant between the living and the dead.[13]   This is a flask with the infamous Bacchus on the front.  The perfect companion for your whiskey trip.  Sold.
