His and Hers

We just got in these wonderful rare iconic vintage mannequin heads here at the shop! The male is probably from the early 1940’s. $225. The female is also from the 1940’s. $165. Both are hand painted and in good condition.



Medical Charts

Two wonderful medical charts just came into the shop! The ‘skeleton’ is dated 1895 and is from London. The condition is wonderful!! $600. The other chart is titled ‘Winslow Health and Hygiene Series’ and is from the late 1930’s/1940’s. It also is wonderful condition. $350.




Manniquin Heads

Two really great plaster Lamoureux mannequin heads from the 1930’s. These lovelys are rare because they are old store displays. Both are in perfect condition with real human hair. $145 each.



Legend of the Christ

Beautiful and classic print in fabulous Victorian frame, approx. 26″ x 22″.  $12020130523-132052.jpg

Another find from the Webbs’ booth, this is a great, early religious, framed lithograph, approx 15″ x 19″.  $4520130523-132058.jpg