Dr. Hobson’s Pain Dispeller

This is an old box and bottle from the ‘Quackery’ medicine period of the 19th century. Quackery Medicine- ‘A medical movement that rose to prominence with the advent of mass advertising. ‘Quackery’ referred to the fake treatments and curatives of individuals who had more charisma and salesmanship than valid medical knowledge.’ This bottle contained 50 percent alcohol and chloroform. A real cure all for sure. $16.




Trash Dig

Friday, Brian and I dug through decades of debris in an old shed and we found a collection from the last 100 or so years. I found a pitch fork from the turn of the century, and these beer cans from the 1950’s. Brian found a box of decayed perfume bottles, and a bronze candelabra. We also found tons of spiders and rot and silverfish.


